Color print 1280 X 960 GIF B & W print Tutorial back Values table Symbol key Tutorial next This alternative projection of the relationships among the Planck sytem of units is particularly significant because speed of light [c] and rationalized Planck constant [hB] are now both defined to be exact and therefore unadjustable while the exact value of [G], the Newtonian gravitational constant, is still under discussion. For this reason, all quantities lying in the plane formed by [hB] and [c], having no component parallel to [G], are thus immutable also, and each and every quantity NOT found in that plane, having some component that is parallel to adjustable [G], will have its numerical value changed as the numerical value of [G] is changed. Yet more alternative perspectives, such as those seen below, offer more verification that a set of interrelationships in a system of units can be projected by a vector space and its transformations.
Color print 1280 X 960 GIF B & W print
Color print 1280 X 960 GIF B & W print
Color print 1280 X 960 GIF B & W print